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Faith Formation, Sacraments & Liturgical Ministries

Faith Formation

 The program is developed to assist families in nurturing within our children’s Christ-centered lives.


Classes are held for students in Grades 1-8 on Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30 P.M.


First Sacrament classes are a separate registration form and are held in addition to our Faith Formation Classes


Parents will need to attend a Pre-Baptism class before Baptizing their child. Baptisms are done on Sundays at 11:00am.

Contact Church Office

First Communion

Preparation is both catechetcal and liturgical providing exppeniential approach to deepening their understanding of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

Contact Sheila Stone

First Reconciliation

Preparation includes catechetical instruction and liturgical formation. Children attend small group workshops to explore Christian values and identity. 

Contact Sheila Stone


High school age youth in grades 9 and above who are registered parishioners, and have completed Jr. High Faith Formation education or attended Parochial School, are eligible to register for Confirmation. After completing this 2 year program, direct prep will begin to prepare the students for the sacrament.

Contact Sheila Stone


The Bride and Groom are asked to call the Parish Office to begin preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage, six months in advance of the wedding date.

Contact (315) 445-5534

Altar Servers

Assist the priest during mass and other liturgical celebrations. Available to students in grades 3 to high school.

Contact Church Office (315) 455-5534


Proclaim the word of God at mass.

Contact Church Office (315) 455-5534

Extraordinary Minister of Communion

Assist the priest/deacon at mass with distribuion of holy communion.

Contact Church Office (315) 455-5534

Welcoming Ministry

Adults who greet the assembly to worship, facilitate seating and receive the financial gifts from the community.

Contact Church Office (315) 455-5534

Liturgical Committee

Meets 6 times a year to plan liturgies and decorate the church for special liturgies.

Contact Church Office (315) 455-5534

Music Ministry

Come be a part of the music ministry of St. Margaret's choir . We re a multi-generational group of singers, instrumentalists, and cantors. 

Contact Michael Stephan


Order of Christian Initiation of Adults-process through which non-baptized adults enter the Catholic Church. It includes several stages by study, prayer and Rites at mass.

Contact (315) 445-5534

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